Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mary Stayed Out All Night Episode 1-3

It's the first time Moon Geun Young and Jang Geun Suk have worked together in a drama. I don't think I'm the only one whose been anticipating it.

On to the Review!!!

CoAige's Drama Rating (7.5/10)
Break Down of Ratings:
Plot: 6/10
Characters: 9/10
Entertainment Quality: 8.5/10

Episode 1-3 Recap: (Note: it is only very brief since their are other sites giving detailed recaps per episode)
A Love Triangle?...Duh... it's K-drama
The drama begins already foreshadowing a love triangle,nothing you wouldn't expect from a rom com K-drama. It is a nightmare albeit a very cute nightmare scene with Mae Ri, on her wedding day, being dragged away from Moo Kyul by two older men who force her to marry Jung In.
     Two Creepy Old Men

Later on we learn that these two old men are the fathers of Mae Ri and Jung In respectively. While Mae Ri's father, Wi Dae Han, is running away from his debtors (due to unfortunate events of a failed business), they have a chance meeting at the sight of Mae Ri mother's grave. It seems Jung In's father, just returning from Japan, had a more than a crush on Mae Ri's mother. Realizing that Dae Han and his dead love had a child together (Mae Ri), he is adamant that she becomes his daughter-in-law. In order to not only pay off his debt but provide Mae Ri with a secure future, Dae Han agrees to arrange a marriage between Jung In and his daughter.

Mae Ri hearing of this is of course appalled to marry a stranger that she has never seen before. In an act of rebellion, she runs away from home. There she again, bumps into Moo Kyul (the two had a interesting encounter in Ep.1) where she tells him of her troubles. Their friends tell them to fake a marriage with each other to hopefully discourage her father.

Mae Ri, Moo Kyul and Friends: A family portrait

The plan backfires on them though when Mae Ri finds out her father faked her identity, successfully completing a marriage registration between Jung In and Mae Ri.

Where is Jung In in all of this?
Well. Basically he is threatened by his father. If Jung In does not marry Mae Ri then he will cut back all his investments on  Jung In's new drama production. What choice does he have?

When the two fathers hear about the "marriage" Moo Kyul and Mae Ri, they come up with a plan. A 100 day marriage deal. They don't want to force Mae Ri to do anything. So they'll give her 100 days to decide. Wow. Like she hasn't made up her mind already. But if she doesn't go along with the plan then they'll take away all the money they used to pay off Dae Han's debts.

Moo Kyul thought that he had seen the last of Mae Ri the day he took wedding pictures to fool her dad. Boy did he think wrong. Mae Ri begs him to a become her fake hubby. Just for 100 days she begs. After that he won't ever see or hear from her. That's what she said last time though. But her persistence wins him over and he agrees.

With the 100 day deal in full affect now Mae Ri  splits her time between the guys. Jung In from 9 am-5 pm. Moo Kyul from 5 pm-10 pm. Jung In for Saturdays and Moo Kyul on Sundays.

Enter Seo Joon. So far in the first 3 episodes we don't know much about her. Only that she is Moo Kyul's ex-girl and stalks him from time to time when he performs at the pub. She is also signed on to star as the leading lady in Jung In's new drama, a drama based on the music industry.

Mae Ri got guts. You Go Girl!!
Mae Ri, working as an assisstant to Jung In, has a run in with Seo Joon, while the production team works on a photoshoot for the drama. Seo Joon mistakens Mae Ri to be the worker gossipping badly about her in the bathroom. However Mae Ri later stands up for herself telling Seo Joon that although Seo Joon may not believer her, she was not the one gossipping. Also that she understands why Seo Joon would be so hurt and that Mae Ri is not offended by her wrong accusations.

At a restaurant he night before, Jung In approaches Moo Kyul  about playing the OST for his new drama. Moo Kyul gets drunk and spends the night at Jung In's. Both are unaware of the other's relationship with Mae Ri. The next morning, Mae Ri comes in to Jung In's place (obediently following the schedule) and sees the two and starts panicking. It is only then Moo Kyul and Jung In realize who the other really is...........

An Epic Ending to Episode Three

CoAige's Thoughts:

Typical. That's what I thought. Very typical. There's no special plot, no random surprising twists. But its oh so adorable. Each character. Even the stiff buisness man Jung In and tough actress Seo Joon. The actors play each character with spunk and a refreshing twist. Especially Moon Geun Young and Jang Geun Suk. You gotta hand it to them. With most of the drama time going to them, they make the drama so pleasurable. Their little interactions and Mae Ri's cute voice make the time fly by fast.

The first couple episodes in a drama are vital. They set up the plot and usually a viewer makes the decision wether to continue or not in the first couple episodes. Plotwise I say, its not captivating but its watchable. If it weren't for the fame and talent of the two mains, I'd bet most people wouldn't bother.

The music is bleh. I mean seriously. Moo Kyul is supposed to be this talented awe-inspiring singer but in reality Jang Geun Suk is just average. Why make him sing the OSTs? I'm kinda tired already from hearing "my princess, my princess" over and over again. Man, its only episode 3 too.

What I always look for in the first few episodes of a drama is how the drama explains each of the characters relationship. In Mary Stayed Out All Night some of them are plausible like Jung In recruiting Moo Kyul or Seo Joon for his drama but some are sooo far fetched. Like Moo Kyul and Mae Ri. But its written out so hilariously and entertainingly that who could complain. Summaries of it wouldn't do it justice. Its better to just watch it yourself.

"Love is like a Car Crash"

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